Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jan, 27 2011

One sad and crappy day!

I woke up this morning feeling pretty good, did my normal morning starting things. I iron Kevin's clothes, made his lunch and cooked breakfast. I started to feel up his water bottle that he takes to work with ice. Well while standing there facing the freezer I started to have tunnel vision, then my hearing started to go away, I couldn't catch my breath and I got hot very fast. Yep that's right I about pasted out but I sat down in the middle of the kitchen floor trying to catch my breath and calm down. That's when Kevin came out of the bedroom to find me on the floor and helped me to the couch. My chest was killing me I felt like I got punched straight in the heart or something. So Kevin of course began to worry and wasn't sure about going to work. I told him I'd be fine and if anything I'd call my mother.

So being reassured he left for work at 6 am. I got back in bed knowing Lillie would be up around 7, but I just needed to rest after what just happened. So I was right Lillie was up at 7 like clock work. We sat down for a little bit watching her cartoons till she was ready to eat breakfast. So getting her into her highchair made me realize today was going to be a very bad day for me. I was so weak it killed me to put her in her chair, so after giving her something to eat I called my mom right away. She called back to let me know she had taken off work and would help me. My mother is so amazing I don't know what I would of done with out her today!

Well not long after she got here, I found out that my best friends dad had a brain aneurysm and was pronounced brain dead. I was so hurt for her, her sister and of course her mother. He was such a great man and still so young, I can't even imagine then pain they are going through. So he was on life support till about 3 this after noon once his mom and brother got in from Arizona.
So that was another thing to top my day off with.

Lillie's nap time, and after I finally calmed down from the earlier news. I laid down for a nap my mom told me not to get up when Lillie did and I listened and it was great! I don't even remember the last time I took a two hour nap. I felt a lot better afterwards just not a 100% by all means. The day was pretty slow and laid back for me, just worried about my friend and her family mostly.

Kevin got home about 3:30 with sonic for dinner (healthy right) he was still worried about me and ask my mom to stay while he had to leave once again for school. She of course said yes and that she liked being needed. I enjoyed her company it gets kinda lonely around here with just Lillie and I. Lillie still doesn't talk much so its kinda in a way quiet around here.

Well its now 10:10 and Lillie is asleep and Kevin is doing his homework. I guess I could be sleeping but I just have to much still on my mind. Ooh yeah about that murder that happened and the kid getting arrested for it. Well his so called "friends" are being pretty stupid and there were rumors going around that they were going to wear "Free Paco" (Paco being his nickname) Shirts and the people that didn't agree with them would get shot or something weird like that. I mean wow what has really become of this world! I told my mom that I don't think Munford TN has every been on the news so much like it has in the past few weeks, and I don't see this ending just yet.

See like I said way to much on my mind tonight to just go to bed. but this blog is not out of control so I will end with this. Life is truly to short! So tell someone that you love them, give someone a meaningful hug, never have regrets. Most of all Live Life to the fullest! You will be Missed but never forgotten Mr. Gary Theilecke!

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