Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan. 24 2011

So today was a day I felt like I was on my knees praying the whole time.
Jan 20 2011 there was an elderly couple here close to my home that was murdered.
I didn't know the couple at all, but the day it had happen I looked my husband in the eye and said, " when they find out who killed them, they need to do the same to him!" I know crazy but yes I do believe in the death sentence as harst as it sounds. but I believe my reason why is a whole other story.

Sunday I got a phone call from my father since I was not able to make it to church. I asked him how the service had went, he then got a little quiet and said it was very sad and that the boy (yes they fond the killer less then 48 hours later) that murdered the elderly couple was a member of our church as was his family. I then be began to tear up I just couldn't believe what he was saying. I then had to look at our church directory to put a face with the name. There it was picture and all Jacob Brown.

I could not sleep last night so many things were going through my head about this all. Why did he do it? How could ANYONE just beat two elderly people to death. How is his mother handling all this? (whom is a very sweet lady!) When can I get my gun permit and will my dad get me a gun for my birthday? Was there really mental problems like everyone says there was? I tossed and turned all night long over all this and I believe I will again tonight.

I believe if the mental test comes back negative or how every those things work. Even knowing the family, I still believe he should be tried as an adult, and if not death penalty at least one hit with a bat to let him know how they felt!
All of this just breaks my heart for so many reasons. Was the kid really hurting that bad inside to be so angry at a 81 and 75 year old couple so kill them. I feel for their daughter who found them, that image will never leave her mind.

Ok well I could go on and on about how I'm thinking about all this but I think ya'll get the point. Now its just a waiting game till they let us know why he did it, and when and if he will be tried as an adult.

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