Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jan 26, 2011( yes its the 27th)

So yesterday was one crappy day right from the start of things.
I always get up when my husband does for work, to iron his clothes, make his lunch, and cook him breakfast.

Well yesterday I woke up with one crazy, bad A of a headache!
There was nothing I could do about it either! I had nothing I'm aloud to take for it here at the house.
So I tired to push through the day and it wasn't even 9 o'clock yet when I just broke down crying in so much pain! Trying to take care of a 17 month old with one crazy headache is really bad on a pregnant lady! Oh yeah that's right I am pregnant as well about 11 weeks and some odd days. This pregnancy is not going as smooth as my first one at all.
So once it was Lillie's nap time I went to try taking one as well. That didn't work out because my headache was that bad, but I ended up just laying there in the dark and quiet hoping and praying my headache would go away.

So hoping to get a bit of a break when Kevin got home from work didn't happen. Which I guess I should of known he also has a lot on his plate right now. He works full time and is also a full time student, with a family I couldn't do it. So I am proud of him!

So to break it down for you, Headaches and me do not get along at all!!
I ended the night with a game of Halo Reach with Kevin how funny yet sad that is.

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