Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Feb 2, 2011

This blog is more about yesterday Feb 1, 2011

A Day I will never forget!
It was a very rain day from the beginning. I already knew it was going to be a very hard and sad day, we needed it gloomy too.
So yesterday was Mr. Gary's funeral like I said sad day!

Kevin got off work very early so he could watch Lillie as I went to the funeral. My mother and I road together, I drove of course because she doesn't do well with busy roads. Well I thought I knew where I was going, well really I did know but the rain threw me off that's how hard it was coming down. So I got us there like really one minute before it started everyone was already sitting down. I was pretty upset at myself because I couldn't let Ashley know I was there nor did I get a chance to say good bye to Mr. Gary.

The ceremony was beautiful and of course I don't believe there was a dry eye in the room. That room by the way was packed too Mr. Gary and the family are very loved! Well once the ceremony was over it was time for everyone to head to the grave site. Well in the car line up we ended up near the back, so going down the street something has happen up a head. We lost the group a head of us because there ended up being a car wreck, once we get around to being able to see what had happen, we see that it was the funeral escort guy on the bike that had gotten hit. It was so very sad and it looked very very bad. Well we couldn't stop there we needed and wanted to get to the grave site I really wanted to be there for the family. Once we finally got there all eyes were wet once again. After Bro. Bob said a few words and a beautiful prayer, Mrs. Connie just couldn't hold it back anymore. That's when they began the 21 gun salute and folding the American flag for Mrs. Connie. I sure couldn't keep my tears back either, Mr. Gary was a great man. Once everything was done, I pretty much ran to Ashley I needed and wanted to be there for her, seeing her so hurt just broke my heart. So as soon as I was able to get to her and she saw who it was she said my name and grabbed hold of my neck and just bawled her eyes out and did I. but I will never forget that moment and how heart broken I felt from my best friend and her family.

Well I couldn't just leave right after that, so I waited till everyone got done saying what they needed to and went back to Ashley and tried to talk with her a bit more, and loved on Mrs. Connie and Danielle some more.

After that then we headed back to the funeral home so dad could get his truck. On the way there the wreck was still there so we knew it had to of been something really bad. Dad had asked the funeral people once we got there and they had said the man on the bike didn't make it. Talk about sad!

So that was pretty much my day yesterday a very sad and depressing day..